
Showing posts from March, 2023

Senses and Stuff

Welcome back, fellow bloggers! This week I found an interesting article relating to the sense of smell and a pandemic we all have experienced, Covid-19. In this article,  Covid Smell Science , The New York Times Magazine talks about how the loss of smell or taste is one of the early indications of having Covid-19. The article elaborates on the science behind the virus affecting olfactory systems and how researchers are trying to understand the mechanisms that cause the virus to affect it. It also brings light to the long-term consequences of Covid-19 anosmia and obstacles that challenge patients who have lost their sense of smell. It also talks a little about how Covid-19 is changing the field of olfactory science and may lead to new discoveries that people have never known about the human nose. This article to me is very interesting because it highlights initial theories about how Covid-19 affects our nasal cavity, and how the sense of smell might affect other senses we may have in ou

My Life

  Being born on March 31st, 2007, I was around the age of 1 when I took my first steps and started walking. My parents are unsure when I spoke my first word, but I must have uttered the words "mommy". Throughout my years of elementary and middle school, I was always a troublemaker and never played straight by the rules. This led me to eventually scrape my knee and get a scar as I rode my bike super fast and hit the curb, sliding across the concrete. I can see myself graduating high school and pursuing a college education somewhere in the medical field at UH. I hope to get married as well and maybe have a couple of kids. I hope I have a successful job where I am able to play around with my money as well as support my family. When I retire, I hope my own children are successful and I can spend the rest of my years living out a peaceful and humble attitude. 


  STABLE STALWART!! My birthday is March 31st so my hero has the hypothalamus (stability/homeostasis) and serotonin (happiness). In such an unstable household, as soon as his mother gave birth to him, he reunited his family from divorce and was able to bring them back to a state of happiness. With these powers, he continues to bring light to the land he wanders and where darkness prevails. He restores stability to the kingdom and is able to treat everyone with happiness. These are his only intentions and resonate with him like an aura. Going into the dark places where crime resonates in the city or land, he is able to become a lantern and pathway for those who seek it. He is even able to turn villains who bring tyranny into a state of happiness and stop their evil-doing, bringing peace everywhere.