My Life


Being born on March 31st, 2007, I was around the age of 1 when I took my first steps and started walking. My parents are unsure when I spoke my first word, but I must have uttered the words "mommy". Throughout my years of elementary and middle school, I was always a troublemaker and never played straight by the rules. This led me to eventually scrape my knee and get a scar as I rode my bike super fast and hit the curb, sliding across the concrete. I can see myself graduating high school and pursuing a college education somewhere in the medical field at UH. I hope to get married as well and maybe have a couple of kids. I hope I have a successful job where I am able to play around with my money as well as support my family. When I retire, I hope my own children are successful and I can spend the rest of my years living out a peaceful and humble attitude. 


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