
Showing posts from May, 2023

Dear AP Psych Student...

 What's up fellow #BLOGNATION, I have come to spread unfortunate upbringing news. I'm sad to say that this is my last AP Psychology blog post, and I want to appreciate the loyal audience I have built up to this very standpoint. Thank you. Now, moving on to the blog, I have an amazing letter for my AP Psychology students. Dear AP Psych 2024 Students,     The class with Halfen is fairly easy because she is a great teacher and provides sufficient resources to help you get not only a 5 on the AP Exam but as well as give you an amazing grade booster for your 100-point scale. She is very lenient on grades, as she is not harsh on late work. My advice for students taking AP Psychology next year is to study daily and do vocab daily as doing it last minute is not GOOD (SPEAKING FROM EXPERIENCE!!!!!!!). This will help you build up fundamental knowledge and will make it a whole lot easier to study for tests or exams instead of cramming. My favorite activity or project was some of the Step

AP Psychology Memes

 What's up, bloggers! It is almost the end of the year and time to wrap things up. Today, I have created 5 AP Psychology related memes and will be sharing with my dedicated and loyal audience! 1) 2) 3) 4) 5)