6he Anything Blog


Today on "The Anything Blog", I have decided to look at an article on Psych Central. This article is about Postpartum Depression and its causes and early signs as shown by this link: https://psychcentral.com/depression/postpartum-depression#causes-and-early-signs.In this article, we can learn that Postpartum Depression, or we will refer it to PPD for short, is a type of depression that occurs after giving birth to a child. PPD is very common, being able to affect up to 15 percent of new mothers. Developing PPD can happen within a few weeks after delivery or up to a single year after childbirth. Researchers and scientists cannot exactly pinpoint the cause of PPD, but many believe for it to be a combination of physical, emotional, and environmental factors. Specifically, changes in hormonal levels, sleep deprivation, and if they have had depression or anxiety. Early signs of PPD include feeling sad, anxious, or high levels of stress. This will eventually lead to more signs such as difficulty in sleeping, not wanting to eat, and having a hard time developing your relationship with your child. The earlier you treat PPD, the earlier you destroy any sort of serious consequence the mother and the baby might have if PPD develops into a more severe disorder. Treatment for PPD includes medication, therapy, and support from loved ones. The right 'dosages' or amount of support can allow most women to recover and truly able to enjoy their role as mother.


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